2015 πŸΎπŸŽ‰

So, 2015 is over, only few hours left. I feel the celebration and party in the air. But I want to take some time to sum it up. It was incredible year for me, I achieved many goals and dreams and I feel I become better person than I was a year ago. I'm thankful for all the experiences I had and Huge Huge thanks to the people I spend time with.

I want to share my 2015 year with you and I hope you could find some inspiration and tips that could help you make 2016 Great year and make your dreams come true (YES in Objc 😊). Also I want to review my year so I can make 2016 even better.


Fist I want review all the things that I've achieved in 2015:

  • Become an Author. Wrote a Book
  • Contributed to Swift open source
  • Improved public speaking skill - gave few iOS presentation and Pitched an app idea.
  • β„–1 GitHub trending Dev and Repo
  • Improved financial situation
  • Got new job
  • Learned and read a lot and changed my Mindset
  • Started to eat more healthy food
  • Started doing daily (Miracle Morning) routine
  • Become a better version of myself

That's it. This is my year in bullet points.
P.S it only contains achievements, but there were many failures as well :)

The process - How to get there

Now let's reveal what helped me make it.

1. Constant Learning

I've ended 2013 and started 2014 very motivated, pumped up with a lot of energy, passion and drive. I did it because I was reading and learning a lot (a "self help" section). Here are few of my favourite :

Knowledge is a power, and I'm learning new things all the time. My goal is to learn to the last day of my life.

2. Set Big, Bold Goals

I've made a new year resolution list. I made it huge, I was very energised when I wrote it. I live by the Less Brown quote.

Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit.

When I set huge goals, it makes me push forward, it makes me work harder than I would do if I set a smaller goal. If you set a smaller goal you could think "Ok I can rest for a moment, I can do this goal later, I have time". But when you set HUGE goals, then you push yourself to act NOW.

Here is my 2015 Goals I've set in the end of 2014:

I didn't achieved all of them, but because I set Huge goals it kept pushing me and I achieved 10 times more this year then I did in previous. That's why it's important to set Big, Huge goals. There is more power in you than you think. You can do more than you think. So don't think rationally, just set Huge goals and move.

What I did is - I opened my To-Do list app, and created a 2015 To-Do there. Now I can see my goals every time I open my To-Do list. I see my goals constantly and I don't procrastinate on them.

Task -> Write 2016 ToDo goals. Then double or triple them.

3. Daily Actions + Plan

Ok, you set huge goals, whats next? The week later after I set these goals I look at them and said :

Wow Man ...!, It's a lot. How I'm suppose to write a book? I can't do that, I don't even know where to start.

I got a bit scarred, really. But what helped my is a technique I leaned from Hal Elrod. Setting smart goals.

I took my year goals and split them it into 6 month goals, then split into 3 month, 1 month, 1 week and 1 day. I kew that to get X amount of money a year I would need to make X amount a day. From here it's really hard to procrastinate if know know exactly what you need to do Today and every single day.

The second thing is that I still was scared to write a book. I heard voice in my head - "You are not an Author, you can't write, you do so many spelling mistakes. Come one!". I didn't know where to start, but I knew (learned it from Steve Jobs) that If I trust the process, and I keep going forward, the dots will connect in the future and the doors and opportunities will open.

So I decided to blog every week, at least one article a week, thanks to Matt Thompson for great lesson and inspiration. I knew that blogging would increase my writing skill and this is small step forward to write a book.
Note: As the result, because I was blogging about Swift Hight Performance, I got an proposal to write a book about it. I remember that moment like it was yesterday - I was walking in the mountain and I got and email with proposal, and I heard the sound in my head - "it's real, it's working, it's happening, the opportunities come" like in The Secret Book/Movie

Next one - Steps. Baby Steps. This is the principle I live by. Do a one step towards your goal every day. One Single Small step. It's not that hard to make 1 step, but at the end of the year, you would made 365 of them. And this is a Huge distance :)

Sum it up: Split your goals into smaller goals, into actionable every day tasks and do them every day.

4. Find you "Why" and Love it

The process is not always easy and there was many moments when I wanted to give up, when I faced hard time but knowing Why are you doing it, finding real purpose that is bigger than myself kept me going. And as many wise people said "You have to love what you do, because it's a lot of hard work, and if you don't love what you do, you would give up, and quit"

I love what I do. While writing my book This was my mantra

"I write it not to earn money or get famous - I write it to help people to learn Swift. I was visualising people reading it and thanking me for helping them".

So my goal was not about me, but about other people.

5. Life 360%

It's important to take care of all aspects of your life. I was really bad at it. I would concentrate on 1 thing, usually it was programming. But in order to achieve success you have to have a good mental and physical health, have a lot of energy, good relationship, surround yourself with positive and smart people and etc.

This year I've improved many areas of my life. Here are few of them:

  • I've started doing Miracle Morning routine. Doing: Meditation, Visualisation, Journaling.
  • Improved my diet, eat fresh "Life food", vegetables and fruits, next step try "raw" diet
  • Better my sleep habit "Sleeping your way to success"
  • Doing exercise in morning and evening, take care of my body.
  • Spend more time with family

Many people (and I did that as well) say that I don't have time for that. The solution - I never have time. I make a time for it.


And there many more things I've learned I would love to share, maybe next time, but let's put the the dot here. I've become a better version of myself than I was a year ago and that's what matters

This things helped me achieve success in 2015 and I will do them again in 2016:

  • Get clear vision what do you want "The thing without your life wouldn't have meaning"
  • Believe in yourself, in your ability have faith.
  • Set big bold goals. Chase your dream
  • Split goals into small actionable and measurable tasks
  • Get 1 step closer to your goal every day. Work on your goals and reams every day
  • When you fall down, get back up. Failure is not when you fail, but when you give up. To be successful you just have to try 1 more time than you have failed.
  • Improve and work on all aspects of you life.
  • Now - is the only time that matter, act now
  • Happiness is not what you get, but the person you become :)

Happy new year! πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸ°πŸ·πŸŽπŸŽˆ

Time time bake a cake and celebrate! Make 2016 the best year!

If you found any spelling mistake,😊 I'm sorry, still working on it and wrote this in a hurry