If you try code about closures for WWDC 2014 session 403 you will see this error

class TemperatureNotifier {
    var onChange: (Int) -> Void = {}
    var currentTemp = 72

'Int' is not a subtype of '()'
The problem is that onChange closure is taking 1 Int parameter, and it has to be specified in the body of the closure. There is a simple fix to it.
You have to declare variable names in closure.

class TemperatureNotifier {
    var onChange: (Int) -> Void = {x in}
    var currentTemp = 72

Or use shorthand style and make explicit return, to return void

class TemperatureNotifier {
    var onChange: (Int) -> Void = {$0; return}
    var currentTemp = 72

Closures are really great feature of Swift and it provides awesome functional programming style. But as I can see now they are a bit broken. Hope it will be solved soon