I've alway was a big fan of automating things so I could get more free time. You could say I'm a lazy person because I don't want to do the job myself and I want to PC do it for my while I am sipping my coffee.

But there is a very important reason for that, and I'm not lazy, but smart :)

The Reason

Computers are simply better than humans in doing repetitive tasks over and over. PC doesn't do mistakes, it produces the same good result every time.

Plus + I can use that time for more creative tasks.

The Fastlane

The Fastlane is a tool created by Felix Krause for automating iOS repetitive tasks like:

  • Provision
  • Building and Testing
  • Making screenshots,
  • Uploading data to iTunes Connect
  • And many others :)

Awesome parts

The most awesome part of the Fastlane is its mix of simplicity and power. It's incredible easy to use and it's very powerful.

The Fastlane is master pipeline tool that manages many other smaller tools. If you want to learn more about Fastlane go to https://fastlane.tools.

The Point

I've been using fastlane for a while and I can't imagine my life without it anymore. It took me some time to actually make a final step, jump and try it. This is was very good decision.

So! I want start a series of articles about Fastlane to help you to learn more about it and show how easy and valuable it is.


  • Firs post coming soon ...